colossians, empire, and what jesus wants

A conversation about the book Colossians Remixed

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

hello on this perpetual winter day...

simon, i'm so glad that you quoted shane claiborne in your comments. in this discussion about truth and engaging with it i was reflecting on another book group i am in with my residents. we're reading "irresistible revolution". anyway, one of my students talked about the significance of "nearness" and how placing ourselves in a space where we will encounter others, those who are beautifully "other" than us (yet so often the same as us), it will become more challenging to ignore other sides of truth.

i know this has been true for me as i've wrestled with different "moral" issues...poverty, homosexuality, abortion, all the BIG hitters. it's not so easy to have an absolute moral stance when you are in relationship with people who these issues are reality for them. when i provide council for a young girl who has felt more pain from the church's judgement than making the choice to abort her baby...when a friend says that they feel more life, more joy because they have claimed their sexual identity...there are layers to these moral absolutes that are messy to delve into.

but i'd rather sit in the tension of not fully knowing if it means that i offer love, dignity, faithfulness, grace...


At 7:49 AM, Blogger Daylan said...

very well-said, especially your last line. i heard brennan manning speak once, and he said it is better to live naked in truth than clothed in a lie.


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